poniedziałek, 8 grudnia 2014

Invitation letter

VIII Prywatne Akademickie Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace
IB World School 006265
ul. Karmelicka 45

Re: International Summit 2014

Dear Principal Jerzy Waligora and Anna Anna Krzeminska-Kaczyńska:

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to Pompano Beach High School’s 2014 International Summit.

Participants in this program have the opportunity to develop cultural awareness in the field of education, increase knowledge about the United States, and establish lasting ties between schools in the U.S., Brazil, India, and Poland.

The 2014 PBHS International Summit will begin with an Opening Welcome Ceremony on Monday, December 8th and continue through Thursday, December 15th. Opportunities will include teaching in cooperation with Pompano Beach High School educators, meeting with university professors and administrators from Florida Atlantic University, visiting North Broward Preparatory IB School, and sharing cultural practices with the community.

The Summit will culminate in a special event on Thursday, December 11th where educators and other dignitaries will be invited to a public forum to discuss issues in education from specific cultural perspectives. Throughout the week, you will have opportunities to enjoy selected Floridian culture.

Furthermore, we are particularly pleased to be able to host up to 12 of your IB students in our school and homes.

We believe that our children’s lives are enhanced significantly by interaction with peers from all over the world.

Within the next couple of months, we will provide a more detailed agenda of the activities we have to offer you as well as the opportunities for teaching and learning with members of our Pompano Beach High School staff.

Once again, Pompano Beach High School eagerly anticipates your arrival in December!

Hudson Thomas

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